Saturday, June 11, 2016

Preparation Methods for Mongolian Cooking

The Mongolian cooking methods did not develop very much, in time. Of course, at the beginning, Mongolians even used to consume raw meat. The next stage of the Mongolian cuisine presented warriors that fried the meat and the greens on their shields which were placed over the fire. This is a fact that nowadays does not apply on the Mongolian cuisine anymore. The preparation techniques that are utilized in Mongolia recently are though rudimentary. Many ingredients are either boiled, steamed or cooked under pressure. Meat is sometimes cut in slices and put on skewers. Other times. it is grilled.

However, one of the cooking techniques that prevailed through centuries is rock cooking. Stones are placed inside animals in order to prepare them faster and to maximize the temperature. Another way refers to placing hot stones in hermetic metal bowls that contain the meat. It must be appreciated that the Mongolians tried to diversify their cuisine by using more techniques while the number of the ingredients is very small.


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