Saturday, June 11, 2016

Khorkhog: Authentic Mongolian Barbecue

Unfortunately, the popularity of an international chain of restaurants known as Mongolian 
Barbecue has distorted perceptions of цааш үзэх
Mongolian food since the barbecue served in these restaurants is actually Taiwanese (ironically, a branch has opened in Ulan Bator and was the first international chain to open in the country). Real Mongolian barbecue is known as khorkhog and is a staple across the vast reaches of this country. It is usually made with mutton, which is cooked inside a pot containing burning rocks heated in an open fire. Vegetables are added to make a stew and the flavors are left to blend for several hours. This is best enjoyed inside a ger, a Mongolian yurt, where the food is served communally. The tour group Nomadic Journeys offers visitors the opportunity to stay in gers as they travel across the steppes experiencing nomadic culture first hand. 


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